Re-engage! Alternative paths to motivate and engage youth back to work
We are proud to lead the project Re-engage - Alternative paths to motivate and re-engage young people back to work, in collaboration with partners from Romania (ACE-ES and Asociación Maia), Spain (Coremsa Foundation and Prodiversa) and Greece (IED ).
RE-ENGAGE! It brings together 5 partners from 3 different countries where young people have been affected by the economic recession that has caused: high rates of unemployment, unmotivated workers due to negative thinking, low self-esteem and lack of opportunities. The objective of this project is to offer a new opportunity for young people to experience success through personal development and creative thinking as well as to explore their possibilities thanks to entrepreneurship. In this way, it will contribute to the empowerment of young people through the acquisition of necessary skills and capacities to exploit their potential and reinsert them into the labor market. |
Empowering LTU´s Older workers through coaching and personal branding
Since 2016, we have led the Empowering LTU's Older Workers through Coaching and Personal Branding project, in which we have partners from the United Kingdom (Inova Consultancy), Italy (Steps), Greece (Knowl) and Spain (Coremsa Foundation and Action Foundation against hunger).
Empowering LTU brings together 6 partners from 5 different countries, who have long-term unemployed with the aim of giving them the opportunity to experience success thanks to personal development, creative thinking and recognition of their own possibilities. To do this, the long-term unemployed must set aside the thoughts that limit them and withdraw them from being more proactive.
The project will provide support and training to the staff involved (counsellors and teachers), as well as to the long-term unemployed, thanks to the personalized and individualized treatment that provides a more empathetic approach. |
Career Coaches for Low Qualified Adults
QUALIFY is a Strategic Association that aims to support guidance to professionals with new and revolutionary intervention practices in their daily work and improve their career management skills for low-skilled workers.
This strategic partnership is made up of 4 countries: United Kingdom (Inova Consulting), Cyprus (Cardet), Spain (Coremsa Foundation) and Slovakia (Europersonal & Service, as project leader).
The objective is to guide guidance professionals through a specially adapted coaching program, as well as to support unemployed, low-skilled adults in fostering positive mentality and improving their skills, which is vital for their employability potential. |
Partnership to develop VET educators in event management with learner-centred approach (InVent)
The aim of this project is to develop an approach to learner-centred abilities and competences for teachers and educators in the cultural events management sector. The committee is formed by 10 partners in representation of 5 countries: United Kingdom (Gecko Programmes, as the leader of the project, and Television and Radio Industries Ltd), Slovenia (Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede (FKPV) and EKTC Maribor), Latvia (Ekonomikas un kulturas augstkola (EKA) y Latvijas Kulturas darbinieku biedriba (LKDB)), Germany (Hochschule Hannover and VPLT) and Spain (Centro Superior De Formacion Europa Sur (CESUR) and Fundación Coremsa).
The Project has three intellectual outputs, as well as a piloting of training and learning through coaching and facilitation (education activities during a week), and a multiplier event in the United Kingdom. |
Inclusive & Practical Assessment Tools for Guidance Practitioners
INCLUSIVE+ is a Erasmus Strategic Association that is made up of 5 countries: United Kingdom (Inova Consulting), Romania (ACE-ES), Slovakia (Europersonal & Service), Italy (CESIE) and Spain (Coremsa Foundation, as project leader). This project is based on the fact that Europe needs educated and qualified workforce to face the economic and competitive challenges of the future, at the same time being prepared for multiple skills and competences to meet the ever-changing occupational demands now in the coming years. Europe is ageing and technological changes are coming too fast. Low skilled adults are a source to be empowered to enter jobs with higher demands. But they need to possess a large number of skills to be successful, as virtually all job-levels require some degree of skills and competences. Low skilled people labour market integration is at danger if they don't get proper service support to their specific needs. It is important to define their career paths taking into consideration a careful assessment of their attitudes, skills and competences and also paying attention to their talents. It is impossible to successfully place and integrate someone on the job market without a careful and tailored assessment. Also, we don't think career guidance professionals have the necessary support tools or count with empathic approachers and user-friendly and for clients understandable instruments to measure their skills and competences. For this reason, our strategic partnership aims at improving and extending the existent support tools and practices of intermediary professionals dealing with labour market integration of clients that need different, more targeted support services. The idea of this project is to create open, flexible and adaptable tools to help discover, document and develop low qualified people skills. The project will provide inclusive, useful and practical tools to help intermediary professional identify their clients attitudes, skills and competences as a first step for a tailored, more empathic and efficient approach to guidance. |
Youth smARTS & Creative for Inclusion and Participation! Let’s be smARTS!
Let's be smARTS is a project that aims to create a collaborative framework that enables youth workers and other professionals involved in youth work to increase the quality of their work and initiatives. This project aims, on the one hand, to create at least 4 innovative resources to support quality work, practices and activities to innovatively stimulate new environments that support young people through arts and culture. On the other, to provide support for more real-world applications, inclusive learning environments that stimulate at least 2 youth competencies in a broader community context. Other main objectives are:
The Romanian Federation for Accessibility is the main partner in this project, and the consortium is formed by Spain (COREMSA Foundation), Romania (ACE-ES), Portugal (Embaixada da Juventude, ) and France (Tous pour l'Europe). |